Wednesday, 4 February 2015

That Freaky Clown Picture

I'm sure everyone does unusual things when they're pregnant.  My have included, but are not limited to: genuinely thinking that what my ice-cream lacked was some gerkins and then feeling like a huge cliché, emailing 60 or so speakers in advance of an event with my incorrect contact number, leaving my laptop at airport security, in Tesco, in my hotel room.

During my second pregnancy I also purchased a creepily freaky painting of a clown from a charity shop which I decided would go in the "circus" themed nursery décor.  (The only thing circus themed in the nursery is the clown picture)  I thought that once it was reframed it would look less freaky. 

As it turns out, once reframed it still looks hideous.  I would regret my purchase if it weren't for the fact that all the kids seem to love it.

My toddler stands on the changing table and points to the animals.

The babies can't stop staring at it while they're getting their nappy changed.

It's totally genius.  If you happen to be under the age of two, pregnant or have no taste whatsoever.

And if you can ignore the fact it's wonderfully weird.

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