Thursday, 26 April 2018

Two years, no blog....

Failed blogger alert! I think I started blogging as a way to find a voice, when being a Mum of twins was pretty tough, and I wasn't working, and I needed something to do that wasn't just changing nappies.  And maybe it stopped being so tough.  Or I went back to work and ran out of time, Or I ran out of things to say.

But I've found myself thing about my blog and wondering if I might have a few thoughts left in me....

So I'll kick it off again for a bit and see how I feel.  No pressure, no desire to be a famous Mummy blogger (that market seems a little overcrowded all of a sudden), just a little note from me to the Internet to remind myself in the future how I felt today. 

It's 2018. The world has changed a lot in 2 years. Our lives have changed a lot in 2 years. But this little note is still here, and I'm back on the horse now, so I'll fill the pages with my day to day, and a few pictures. And maybe one day the kids will read it, or I'll read it when I'm old. And I'll be glad that I bothered. And give future me a little peek into what it was like to be me way back when....

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