NOT blogging about the EU Referendum and our decision to Brexit would probably be a lot more interesting, but I can't help myself.
These views are entirely my own and are based on what I've gleaned from conversation and the news. I don't pretend to fully understand the issues. But here's what I believe.
I'm an environmentalist, a parent, a mortgage holder, a holiday maker a professional whose company works with Europe, and most importantly, a wine drinker. So this affects me.
It affects me a lot more than it affects my Gran. She voted to leave and of the list above, the only shared label is parent.
She believes that she'll soon be dead and that her legacy to her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren is a free Britain.
I'm astonished at my Gran's vote as she's been a staunch Labour supporter and socialist her whole life. Her main reason for voting to leave is that she can no longer tolerate the hypocrisy and beurocracy of the European Union. Given a voice, she chose to say that she does not want to remain part of a flawed system. I understand that.
But what frightens me most about our decision to Brexit is that the entire campaign has been led by a far right movement. The Daily Mail are taking credit for the win today, Nigel Forage has more influence than anyone could have credited and Boris Johnson will likely be the next Prime Minister.
And suddenly, the referendum wasn't about trade laws, or migration, or beurocracy and the European elite. I think the reason that the majority of Britain woke up shocked yesterday morning was that we voted 'yes' to a far right campaign.
And if history has taught us anything, the far right don't tend to care about too much about the poor, or the arts, or National health, or security, or the environment, or the elderly.
And to my mind, the campaign that talked about protecting the British, actually translates to protecting wealthy, white, male Brits.
Which is terrifying.
And so I'm ashamed that my Gran abandoned her ideals and can't see that she's effectively paved the way towards a further right wing government where hatred and racism prevail.
I can't see tolerance and understanding in Brexit, I can't see unity or positivity, I can't see peace and I can't see stability.
I can't see how we've let this happen. And in the eyes of the world, we've behaved like spoilt children and I can't see why they would want to play with us anymore.
So I'm sad today. I'm sad for my children and the future we've imposed on them. I'm sad for the thousands of people who may lose jobs and benefits and their homes. I'm sad for my Gran who can't see what she's been part of.
But I'm hopeful that I'm wrong, that we'll get a sensible leader who will guide us through this unscathed. I'm hopeful that the promises of more money and a better quality of life will be fulfilled. I'm hopeful that my children will be happy and protected. I'm hopeful that we will negotiate fairly and appropriately to maintain strong relationships with all our global partners. I'm hopeful I can forgive my Gran.
But mostly, I'm hopeful the price of wine won't be affected too much.
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