Friday 12 December 2014

The Seven Week Itch

The little ones were 7 weeks old on Tuesday and I'm starting to feel like the novelty has worn off. Forgive me if that sounds a bit harsh and unlike a Loved Up Twin Mum.

I had the same experience after Z was born and I wonder if the 7 week itch is a common phenomenon? 

I'm feeling better in myself (finally!), my jeans fit again (admittedly my fat jeans) and I'm back on the booze (well, I've had a few glasses of wine) and the (perhaps slightly premature) feeling is that maybe me and the babes should part ways? I can go back to doing my thing and they can get on with their lives, gain a bit of independence etc.

I wonder if we were in the wild, this would be the moment I abandoned them? And people watching the nature documentary would think 'gosh, that's a bit harsh - they're so tiny'. But if I were a big grizzly bear for example, I wouldn't feel the least bit guilty.

But I do feel a bit guilty. I've reached my limit of relentless monotony. I've got to the end of my tether when it comes to nappy changing, nighttime feeds and pacing and jiggling. I'm ready to face the world again, but the babies still need me. They don't understand that it's nearly Christmas and I'd like to be enjoying the party season, lashed everyday on something mulled. They don't realise that I'd like to wear some clothes that don't include easy boob access. They really don't get my need for 6 hours straight sleep.

So, I think it's time we call it a day, they can go their way and I'll go mine. Or at least maybe I can have a little fling. I'm off for dinner tomorrow night while Mr S babysits. I imagine that an evening away, with some booze and banter will be enough that by the time I get home I'm desperate to see their pudgy little faces. And the 7 week itch will be cured. 

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