Monday, 6 January 2014

How to Live an Amazing Life....

What a grandiose title.

I came across these tips of Robin Sharma's - "The Rules for Being Amazing" as well as my "Personal Mission Statement" that I created in 2005.

It made me think, you can be a life coach and lifestyle guru, or a struggling 24 year old working as a PA, but if you have values that you live by, you're one step closer to being amazing.

And really, all you need is love, kindness and cuddles.....

1. Risk more than is required
2. Learn more than is normal
3. Be strong
4. Show courage
5. Breathe
6. Excel
7. Love
8. Lead
9. Speak your truth
10. Live your values
11. Laugh
12. Cry
13. innovate
14. Simplify
15. Adore mastery
16. Release mediocrity
17. Aim for genius
18. Stay humble
19. Be kinder than expected
20. Deliver more than is needed
21. Exude passion
22. Shatter your limits
23. Transcend your fears
24. Inspire others by your bigness
25. Dream big but start small
26. Act now
27. Don't stop
28. Change the world

And my version....

1. Embrace Everything (Literally, I mean Cuddles)

2. Challenge Everyone (especially children, people who are old before their time and snobs)

3. Be happy and smile

4. Honesty is always the best policy.

5. Lie whenever you can.

6. Love yourself- you've the only person you can guarantee spending the rest of your life with.

7. Eat tasty food as often as you can.

8. Everyone you've ever known talks crap. (except your Mum who is wise)

9. Pay attention to detail in everything you do and in everything you see. Life is in the small print.

10. Never forget the bigger picture. Whatever you choose for that to be.

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